Yahava KoffeeWorks

Establishment, food and cafe at 4752 West Swan Road, West Swan, WA 6055, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Yahava KoffeeWorks: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Contact Information

Price level:

Establishment   Food   Cafe  

4752 West Swan Road
West Swan
WA 6055
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+61 8 9250 8599


Opening hours

Sunday 09:00am — 05:00pm
Monday 09:00am — 05:00pm
Tuesday 09:00am — 05:00pm
Wednesday 09:00am — 05:00pm
Thursday 09:00am — 05:00pm
Friday 09:00am — 05:00pm
Saturday 09:00am — 05:00pm


5 /5

Based on 1 reviews

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Reviews of Yahava KoffeeWorks

    Alex Lahbl Added September 22, 2017
    I went here a couple of weeks ago for the first time, and ordered my regular. It is hands down the best cup of coffee I've ever had.

    I've tried the Yahava beans at Flying Bean in Rockingham (which is also fantastic), but Yahava KoffeeWorks had a special winter blend, and it was really out of this world. Can't wait to go again!

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Questions & Answers

1. What is the phone number for Yahava KoffeeWorks

The phone number for Yahava KoffeeWorks is +61 8 9250 8599.

2. Where is Yahava KoffeeWorks located?

Yahava KoffeeWorks is located at 4752 West Swan Road West Swan, WA 6055.

3. Is there a primary contact for Yahava KoffeeWorks

You can contact Yahava KoffeeWorks by phone using number +61 8 9250 8599.

4. What is the web address (URL) for Yahava KoffeeWorks

The website for Yahava KoffeeWorks is yahava.com.au.

About yahava.com.au

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19:00 30 1009 hPa 29 % 6 m/s 22:00 26 1009 hPa 36 % 4 m/s

Tomorrow's weather in West Swan WA

01:00 22 1009 hPa 57 % 3 m/s 04:00 20 1008 hPa 69 % 2 m/s 07:00 20 1009 hPa 65 % 3 m/s 10:00 20 1009 hPa 64 % 3 m/s 13:00 27 1010 hPa 32 % 4 m/s 16:00 29 1009 hPa 31 % 7 m/s 19:00 28 1010 hPa 36 % 6 m/s 22:00 24 1013 hPa 45 % 4 m/s

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